February 21st was a very special day for us all here at TANF. We took a visit to an orphanage called the Backy Home in Gomao Fete (Central Ghana.) The Backy home provides shelter and care to orphaned and abandoned children and also for children from single parent families who cannot afford to care for them.
The TANF team delivered 4 bags of rice, 3 bags of childrens clothing, colgate tooth brushes and toothpaste, packs of washing powder, soap, tomato paste and other staple food supplies. Orphanages in Ghana face so many challenges to maintain their basic facilities from day to day.
There is as a distinct lack of support for these small organizations. TANF are doing all we can to support and assist homes like the Backy home, as we share a mission and vision. We want to thank you our donors, volunteers and supporters. Without you this would not be possible. We say YE DAASI (We thank you) click here for more pictures