15 women from conditions of abject poverty will be assessed to determine the most immediate help each member needs. Through a combination of skills training, money management training, subsidy in transportation, and purchase of equipment, these women will be given the tools to help grow their micro-businesses. Over the following months, on-going mentorship will be provided to assist them in pushing towards their goals.
Whilst TANF Ghana realizes the importance of making sure every child has the opportunity to attain education, this alone only serves to address one singular aspect of poverty. In rural communities, the majority of adults work in the informal economy which places them at a greater risk of a number of factors, including volatile commodity prices, rising costs, low earnings, and little potential to make any savings.
Single mothers living in conditions of abject poverty must be given a pathway to rise from the informal economy into the formal economy through attainment of higher wages and subsequently a higher standard of living. Due to their socio-economic disadvantage, the tools to alleviate their situation must be provided to help them towards the goal of economic self-sufficiency.
Through access to a stable working environment and by extension, accessibility to education for their children, in the long term we hope to see fewer teenage mothers, more independent women and the eradication of child labor as well as underage marriages.